We will typically set up a login for your primary user. From there it will be down
to you to add any additional users who will need to access the platform.
To do this, you will need to access the 'Manage Users' tab that can be found on
your my.apetito dashboard under the 'Your Account' section.
This will open a page that looks similar to the above. From here you will need to
press the 'Add New User' button that can be seen on the right hand side.
This will open the above section, at this point you will need to fill the necessary
information such as Name, Contact Details and Job Role and select the roles and
permissions you wish to give the user. If you do not select any then the default
permissions of viewing the dashboard and apetito products will be assigned.
Once complete, an email will be sent to the registered users email address where
there will be a link to complete sign up.
Please ensure you delete all users who no longer require access to my.apetito.