Currently, customers can print Kitchen Menus and Temperature Logs. These print
as PDF Files using the information in my.apetito weekly menus only.
Select your menu that you wish to print, at which point it will open for you.
Next select 'Print' which can be found at the top of the page.
Select your chosen menu from the list provided in the drop-down box.
Press 'Print' and a Kitchen Menu is created as a PDF and another tab. This can
be printed or downloaded. Make sure your computer allows the form to be
presented on its settings.
If you require a Temperature Log, select Temperature Log from the drop down
menu and click the ‘Print’ button. The Logs will be created in a PDF format, for
you to either print or download.
If you require a Food Diary Log then in this case select Food Diary Log from the
drop down menu and click the ‘Print’ button. The Logs will be created in a PDF
format for you to either print or download.